Despite coming into existence 75 years ago, our country is still classified as an underdeveloped state among the global community. A log series of grievances and complex issues have multiplied the miseries of our citizens over the years. Because of an unreasonable increase in population and a lack of willingness to resolve the national issues and problems still remain unresolved. Be it a matter of health or education, delivery of justice, or the maintenance of law and order. The light of the common citizen still remained unchanged. Although, we claim of achieving so much, no visible change is evident at the grassroots level. Unfortunately, Pakistan is still ranked among the world’s poorest countries with many of its citizens living below the poverty line Shelter less. This makes it difficult for the common man to get good health care and education as a whole, on the composite social scale, Pakistan occupies 84th position in the Third World. Within Asia, Pakistan has achieved a reasonably good status, ranked 21st in the composite index devised by the World Bank.
God helps those who help themselves. Serving mankind is not an easy task as it is generally considered. It is a passion and not just a pursuit of fame. In Pakistan, there are hundreds of individuals, philanthropists, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs), contributing their services directly to the deserving people to at least provide them minimum basic requirements, besides attempting to avoid the development of conflicts in the society. I sincerely pray to the Almighty Allah to grace us with His blessings in our continued efforts in achieving success in the future.
Bawray Welfare Society